Professions in French

In this lesson, we will learn about the professions or occupations in French language with Hindi and English Translations. Learn different professions name such as teacher, doctor, actor in French.

English French (mas.) French (fem.)
Actor acteur actrice
Advocate avocat avocate
Agent agent agente
Architect architecte architecte
Artist artiste artiste
Baker boulanger boulangère
Banker banquier banquière
Broker courtier courtière
Cobbler cordonnier cordonnière
Dancer danseur danseuse
Dentist dentiste dentiste
Doctor docteur docteur
Detective détective détective
Engineer Ingénieur Ingénieure
Fireman Pompier Pompière
Gardner Gardner Gardner
Grocer Épicier Épicière
Hair Dresser Coiffeur Coiffeur
Judge Juge Juge
Journalist Journaliste Journaliste
Manager Gestionnaire Gestionnaire
Mechanic Mécanicien Mécanicienne
Nurse Infirmier Infirmière
Poet poète poétesse
Postman facteur factrice
Police police police
Politician politicien politicienne
Philosoper philosophe philosophe
Psychlogist psychologue psychologue
Plumber Plombier Plombière
Professor Professeur Professeure
Singer chanteuse chanteuse
Student étudiant étudiante

35 Occupations in French

Les Professions

This video is covering most common Profession’s name in French langauge with English translation and correct pronunciations.

Q1. How to say Actor in French?
Ans. Actor is translated as “acteur” & “actrice”.

Q2. How to say Advocate in French?
Ans. Advocate is translated as “avocat” & “avocate”.

Q3. How to say Agent in French?
Ans. Agent is translated as “agent” & “agente”.

Q4. How to say Architect in French?
Ans. Architect is translated as “architecte.

Q5. How to say Artist in French?
Ans. Artist is translated as “artiste”.

Q6. How to say Baker in French?
Ans. Baker is translated as “boulanger” & “boulangère”.

Q7. How to say Banker in French?
Ans. Banker is translated as “banquier” & “banquière”.

Q8. How to say Broker in French?
Ans. Broker is translated as “courtier” & “courtière”.

Q9. How to say Dancer in French?
Ans. Dancer is translated as “danseur” & “danseuse”.

Q10. How to say Dentist in French?
Ans. Dentist is translated as “dentiste”.

Q11. How to say Docter in French?
Ans. Docter is translated as “docteur”.

Q12. How to say Detective in French?
Ans. Detective is translated as “détective”.

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