Ordinal Numbers in Spanish

In this lesson we will learn about the ordinal numbers in Spanish. How to say ordinal numbers like First to Tenth.

English Spanish (mas.) Spanish(Fem.) Hindi
First Primero primera पहला
Second Segundo Segunda दूसरा
Third Tercero Tercera तीसरा
Fourth Cuarto Curata चौथा
Fifth Quinto Quinta पांचवां
Sixth Sexto Sexta छठा
Seventh Séptimo Séptima सातवां
Eighth Octavo Octava आठवाँ
ninth Noveno Novena नौवां
Tenth Décimo Décima दसवां

Ordinal Numbers 11 to 19th

For 11 to 19 you just need to add décimo before the number. Ex: décimo primero,

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