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Islamic Months of the Year

Month’s Name According to Islamic Calendar

In this lesson, we will learn about Islamic Months of the year in Arabic Language. In Islam the calendar starts with Muharram and ends with Dhu al-Hijjah. Muharram is the first month of the year and Dhu al-Hijjah is the last month of the year. In islaam we have only 360 days in a month while the English calendar have 365 or 366 days. So, every year the month shift 10 days earlier. Ramadan is the holy month in which muslim keep fast through out the month and at the beginning of Shawwal Month Eid is celebrated.

How to say the Months in Arabic (شهور العام) – Shuhur Aleam

Arabic Name Arabic Pronunciation English Hindi
مُحَرَّم Muharram First मुहर्रम
صَفَر Safar Second सफ़र
رَبِيع ٱلْأَوَّل Rabi’ al-Awwal Third रबी अल-अव्वल
رَبِيع ٱلثَّانِي Rabi’ al-Thani Forth रबी अल-थानी
 جُمَادَىٰ ٱلْأُولَىٰ Jumada al-Awwal Fifth जुमादा अल-अव्वल
جُمَادَىٰ ٱلثَّانِيَة Jumada al-Thani Sixth जुमादा अल-थानी
رَجَب Rajab Seventh रजब
شَعْبَان Sha’ban Eighth शबान
رَمَضَان Ramadan Ninth रमजान
شَوَّال Shawwal Tenth शावाल
ذُو ٱلْقَعْدَة Dhu al-Qi’dah Eleventh ज़ू अल-क़िदा
ذُو ٱلْحِجَّة Dhu al-Hijjah Twelfth ज़ू अल-हिज्जाह

7 Days of the week in Arabic

Days of the week in Arabic Language

In this lesson, we will learn about Days of Week in Arabic Language. Day is translated as “Yaum” in Arabic Language. Days in Arabic are based on counting as first day is called Al-Ahad. Ahad means one i.e First day of the week. Same rule apply on all days except Friday, Friday is called Juma same like urdu language.  Everyone knows there are seven days in a week.  Learn how to say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday in Arabic Language.

How to say the Days in Arabic (أيام الأسبوع)

Arabic Name Arabic Pronunciation English Hindi
الأحد (al-ahad) Sunday रविवार
الإثنين (al-ithnayn) Monday सोमवार
الثلاثاء (al-thulatha) Tuesday मंगलवार
الأربعاء  (al-arba’a) Wednesday बुधवार
الخميس (al-khamees) Thursday गुरूवार
الجمعة  (al-juma’a) Friday शुक्रवार
السبت (as-sabt) Saturday शनिवार

Today is Sunday is translated as اليوم هو الأحد Al yaum hu ahad

Tomorrow is Sunday is translated as غدا الأحدghadan al’ahad

Yesterday was Sunday is translated as البارحة كان الأحد albarihat kan al’ahad

Q1 How to say Sunday in Arabic?
A. Sunday is derived from the Word al wahid in arabic. Ahad or wahid means one. so the first day of week is translated as Al Ahad.
Q2 How to say Monday in Arabic?
A. Monday is derived from the Word al ithnaan in arabic. ithnayn means Two. so the second day of week is translated as Al ithnayn.
Q3 How to say Tuesday in Arabic?
A. Thalasa means three in arabic. Thalasa means Three. so the Third day of week is translated as Al -thulatha.
Q4 How to say Wednesday in Arabic?
A. Four is called as Arbaa in Arabic. so the Forth day of week is translated as Al Arba’a.
Q5 How to say Thursday in Arabic?
A. Five is called as Khamasa in Arabic. so the Fifth day of week is translated as Al Khamees.
Q6 How to say Friday in Arabic?
A. Well this is changed, Friday is called as Al Juma’a in Arabic. Juma means gathering in Arabic. People gather for the Namaz-e-Juma. So it is called as Al Juma’a.
Q7 How to say Saturday in Arabic?
A. Saturday is is called as same as other days following the counting Number. 7th days in Arabic comes from number 7 or Saba’a. So, it translated as Al Saba’a.
Q8 How to say Next Sunday in Arabic?
Ans. Al Ahad Al qa dem (الأحد القادم)
Q9 How to say last Sunday in Arabic?
Ans, Al Ahad Al Mazi (الأحد الماضي)

20 Most Common Greetings in Arabic

Hello, Welcome you all, Today is our first lesson about the  most common greetings in Arabic Language. In this article I have covered most common greeting in Arabic with correct pronunciation with English Translation. So lets start the new journey to learn arabic.

Arabic Arabic Pronunciation English
مرحباً (Marhaban) Hello
صباح الخير (Sabah al-khayr) Good morning
مساء الخير (Masa’ al-khayr) Good evening
كيف حالك؟ (Kayfa haluka?) How are you? (to a male)
كيف حالك؟ (Kayfa haluki?) How are you? (to a female)
أهلاً وسهلاً (Ahlan wa sahlan) Welcome
السلام عليكم (As-salamu alaykum) Peace be upon you (greeting)
وعليكم السلام (Wa alaykum as-salam) And upon you be peace (response to the greeting)
مبروك (Mabrook) Congratulations
شكراً (Shukran) Thank you
عفواً (Afwan) You’re welcome
إلى اللقاء (Ila al-liqaa) Goodbye
أتمنى لك يوماً سعيداً  (Atamanna lak yawman sa’idan) Have a nice day
أسف (Asif) Sorry
أنا آسف (Ana asif) I’m sorry
حظاً سعيداً (Hazaan sa’eedan) Good luck
عيد مبارك (Eid Mubarak) Blessed holiday (used during Islamic holidays)
رمضان كريم (Ramadan Kareem) Generous Ramadan (greeting during Ramadan)
أتمنى لك التوفيق (Atamanna lak at-tawfiq) I wish you success
أتمنى لك يوماً جميلاً (Atamanna lak yawman jameelan) I wish you a beautiful day


Benefits of Learning The Arabic Language

The Benefits of Learning the Arabic Language

Arabic, one of the world’s oldest and most widely spoken languages, offers a plethora of benefits for individuals keen on expanding their linguistic skills and cultural horizons. Whether for personal enrichment, professional advancement, or fostering intercultural understanding, learning Arabic opens doors to a range of opportunities and experiences.

Few Points Why You Should Learn Arabic

1. Access to Rich Cultural Heritage
Arabic is deeply intertwined with the cultural heritage of the Middle East and North Africa, regions renowned for their historical significance, architectural marvels, and artistic achievements. By learning Arabic, individuals gain access to a treasure trove of literature, poetry, music, and traditions that span centuries, enriching their understanding of the diverse cultures that shape the Arab world.

2. Professional Opportunities
In an increasingly globalized world, proficiency in Arabic can provide a competitive edge in various professional fields. Industries such as international business, diplomacy, journalism, translation, and academia value individuals who can communicate fluently in Arabic, facilitating collaboration, negotiation, and market expansion in Arabic-speaking countries.

3. Enhanced Communication Skills
Learning Arabic not only broadens linguistic capabilities but also enhances communication skills overall. Arabic’s complex grammatical structure and diverse vocabulary challenge learners to think critically and express ideas with precision, fostering cognitive development and linguistic adaptability.

4. Greater Understanding of Islam and Islamic Culture
Arabic is the language of the Quran, Islam’s holy book, and a significant portion of the world’s Muslim population. By learning Arabic, individuals gain deeper insights into Islamic teachings, rituals, and cultural practices, fostering interfaith dialogue, mutual respect, and cross-cultural appreciation.

5. Travel and Cultural Immersion
Arabic proficiency opens doors to immersive travel experiences in Arabic-speaking countries, where travelers can engage with locals, navigate cultural nuances, and explore hidden gems off the beaten path. Learning Arabic phrases and expressions enhances the travel experience, allowing individuals to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and forge meaningful connections.

6. Academic and Research Opportunities
Arabic is a language of scholarship and intellectual inquiry, with a rich tradition of academic discourse in fields such as literature, history, philosophy, and religious studies. Proficiency in Arabic enables access to primary sources, research materials, and academic networks, facilitating original research and cross-cultural dialogue in various disciplines.

7. Personal Enrichment and Cultural Exchange
Beyond practical benefits, learning Arabic fosters personal growth, empathy, and cultural sensitivity. Engaging with Arabic-speaking communities exposes learners to different worldviews, traditions, and perspectives, fostering empathy, tolerance, and mutual understanding in an increasingly interconnected global society.

In conclusion, the benefits of learning Arabic extend far beyond linguistic proficiency, encompassing cultural enrichment, professional opportunities, and personal growth. Whether driven by curiosity, career aspirations, or a desire for intercultural exchange, embarking on the journey of learning Arabic promises a rewarding and transformative experience for individuals seeking to broaden their horizons and connect with the diverse cultures of the Arab world.

Zodiac Signs in Italian Language

12 Zodiac Signs in Italian Language

In this post you will learn about the zodiac signs or star signs in Italian Language. You can easily learn With English Translations.

Italian English Hindi
Ariete Aries मेष (Mesh)
Toro Taurus वृष (Vrish)
Gemelli Gemini मिथुन (Mithun)
Cancro Cancer कर्कट (Karkat)
Leone Leo सिंह (Simha)
Vergine Virgo कन्या (Kanya)
Bilancia Libra तुला (Tula)
Scorpione Scorpio वृश्चिक (Vrishchik)
Sagittario Sagittarius धनु (Dhanu)
Capricorno Capricorn मकर (Makar)
Acquario Aquarius कुंभ (Kumbh)
Pesci Pisces मीन (Meen)

Ordinal Numbers in German

Ordinal Numbers in German

In this lesson we will learn about the ordinal numbers in German. How to say ordinal numbers like First to Tenth.

English German Hindi
First erste पहला
Second zweite दूसरा
Third dritte तीसरा
Fourth vierte चौथा
Fifth fünfte पांचवां
Sixth sechste छठा
Seventh siebte सातवां
Eighth achte आठवाँ
ninth neunte नौवां
Tenth zehnte दसवां

11th to 20th in German

English German Hindi
Eleventh elfte ग्यारहवां
Twelfth zwölfte बारहवां
Thirteenth dreizehnte तेरहवां
Fourteenth viertezehte चौदहवां
Fifteenth fünftezehte पंद्रहवां
Sixteenth sechzehnte सोलहवां
Seventeenth siebzehnte सत्रहवाँ
Eighteenth achtzehnte अठारहवाँ
Nineteenth neunzehnte उन्नीसवां
Twentieth zwanzigste बीसवां

Note: we have just added zehte after the numbers from 13th to 19th.

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Benefits of Learning Spanish Language

Benefits of learning Spanish

In today’s globalized world, being multilingual is a significant advantage, and Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages worldwide. Learning Spanish offers numerous benefits, from improved career prospects to personal growth and cultural enrichment. Here are some of the most notable benefits of learning Spanish:

  1. Career Opportunities: With over 400 million native speakers globally, Spanish is the second most spoken language worldwide. It is the official language of 21 countries, including Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Colombia, and Peru. Therefore, learning Spanish can open up new job opportunities and enhance your career prospects, especially if you plan to work in an international setting or do business with Spanish-speaking countries.
  2. Travel: Learning Spanish can also enrich your travel experiences. Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, and Latin American countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica, and Peru offer beautiful landscapes, rich culture, and diverse cuisine. Knowing the language can help you connect with locals, navigate new environments, and appreciate the local culture more deeply.
  3. Personal Growth: Learning a new language can help improve cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. It can also enhance creativity and improve communication skills, which can be useful in personal and professional settings.
  4. Cultural Enrichment: Spanish is a language deeply rooted in culture, history, and art. Knowing the language can help you understand and appreciate Spanish and Latin American literature, music, cinema, and art. You can also gain a deeper understanding of the people, traditions, and customs of Spanish-speaking countries.
  5. Improved English Skills: Spanish shares many similarities with English, such as a shared Latin origin, which can help improve English skills, such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Learning Spanish can also help English speakers learn other Romance languages, such as French and Italian.
  6. Opportunities for Socializing: Learning Spanish can also expand your social circle and offer opportunities for new friendships and cultural exchanges. Spanish is a language widely spoken in the United States, and being able to communicate with Spanish speakers can help you connect with a broader community.

In conclusion, learning Spanish can offer many benefits, from improved career prospects to personal growth and cultural enrichment. It is a language widely spoken in the world, and knowing it can open up new opportunities and broaden your horizons. Whether you want to travel, work, or connect with a broader community, learning Spanish can be an excellent investment for your personal and professional development.

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Present Indefinite Affirmative Tense

Present Indefinite Affirmative Tense

Present Indefinite Affirmative Tense

Rule for He, She, it and Singular person: Subject+First Form of Verb+s/es+Object.

Rule for I,You, We, They and plurals: Subject+First Form of Verb+Object.


  • I Go to School.
  • You Go to school.
  • we go to school.
  • They go to school.
  • She goes to school.
  • He goes to school.
  • Rajesh goes to school.
  • Tina goes to school.

50 Example of Present Indefinite Affirmative Tense


  1. I work in a bank.
  2. She sings beautifully.
  3. They play soccer every weekend.
  4. He drinks coffee in the morning.
  5. We watch TV in the evening.
  6. The dog barks loudly.
  7. You speak English fluently.
  8. She reads a book every night.
  9. He drives a car to work.
  10. They dance to the music.
  11. I eat breakfast at 7 am.
  12. She teaches math to high school students.
  13. We listen to music while we exercise.
  14. He wears glasses to see better.
  15. They swim in the pool on hot days.
  16. I like to travel to new places.
  17. She cooks dinner for her family.
  18. He exercises at the gym every day.
  19. We play board games with our friends.
  20. The cat sleeps on the couch.
  21. You study hard for your exams.
  22. She plays the guitar in a band.
  23. He listens to podcasts on his way to work.
  24. They hike in the mountains on weekends.
  25. I write in my journal before bed.
  26. She volunteers at a local charity.
  27. We go to the movies on Fridays.
  28. He speaks several languages fluently.
  29. They paint landscapes as a hobby.
  30. The baby cries when she’s hungry.
  31. You help your neighbors with yard work.
  32. She bakes cookies for her coworkers.
  33. He fishes on the lake in his free time.
  34. We plant flowers in our garden every spring.
  35. They take pictures of nature with their camera.
  36. I organize my closet every season.
  37. She writes poetry in her spare time.
  38. He plays video games on weekends.
  39. We travel to different countries every year.
  40. The birds chirp in the morning.
  41. You love to read books in your free time.
  42. She does yoga to relax.
  43. He repairs cars for a living.
  44. They run a successful business together.
  45. I enjoy spending time with my family.
  46. She takes care of her elderly parents.
  47. We donate to charity regularly.
  48. He collects rare coins as a hobby.
  49. They watch the sunset at the beach.
  50. The flowers bloom in the spring.

Personal Pronouns in French

Personal Pronouns

I am – Je suis
You are – Tu es
He is – ll est
She is – elle est
We are Nous sommes
You are – Vous etes
They are lls/ Elles sont

In French, personal pronouns are used to replace nouns, indicating the person speaking (first person), the person being spoken to (second person), or the person or thing being spoken about (third person). The personal pronouns in French are as follows:

1st person singular: je (I) 1st person plural: nous (we) 2nd person singular: tu (you, informal) 2nd person plural: vous (you, formal or plural) 3rd person singular: il (he), elle (she), on (one) 3rd person plural: ils (they, masculine), elles (they, feminine)

French personal pronouns also have different forms depending on their function in a sentence (subject, object, possessive adjective, reflexive pronoun)

Professions in French

Professions in French

In this lesson, we will learn about the professions or occupations in French language with Hindi and English Translations. Learn different professions name such as teacher, doctor, actor in French.

English French (mas.) French (fem.)
Actor acteur actrice
Advocate avocat avocate
Agent agent agente
Architect architecte architecte
Artist artiste artiste
Baker boulanger boulangère
Banker banquier banquière
Broker courtier courtière
Cobbler cordonnier cordonnière
Dancer danseur danseuse
Dentist dentiste dentiste
Doctor docteur docteur
Detective détective détective
Engineer Ingénieur Ingénieure
Fireman Pompier Pompière
Gardner Gardner Gardner
Grocer Épicier Épicière
Hair Dresser Coiffeur Coiffeur
Judge Juge Juge
Journalist Journaliste Journaliste
Manager Gestionnaire Gestionnaire
Mechanic Mécanicien Mécanicienne
Nurse Infirmier Infirmière
Poet poète poétesse
Postman facteur factrice
Police police police
Politician politicien politicienne
Philosoper philosophe philosophe
Psychlogist psychologue psychologue
Plumber Plombier Plombière
Professor Professeur Professeure
Singer chanteuse chanteuse
Student étudiant étudiante

35 Occupations in French

Les Professions

This video is covering most common Profession’s name in French langauge with English translation and correct pronunciations.

Q1. How to say Actor in French?
Ans. Actor is translated as “acteur” & “actrice”.

Q2. How to say Advocate in French?
Ans. Advocate is translated as “avocat” & “avocate”.

Q3. How to say Agent in French?
Ans. Agent is translated as “agent” & “agente”.

Q4. How to say Architect in French?
Ans. Architect is translated as “architecte.

Q5. How to say Artist in French?
Ans. Artist is translated as “artiste”.

Q6. How to say Baker in French?
Ans. Baker is translated as “boulanger” & “boulangère”.

Q7. How to say Banker in French?
Ans. Banker is translated as “banquier” & “banquière”.

Q8. How to say Broker in French?
Ans. Broker is translated as “courtier” & “courtière”.

Q9. How to say Dancer in French?
Ans. Dancer is translated as “danseur” & “danseuse”.

Q10. How to say Dentist in French?
Ans. Dentist is translated as “dentiste”.

Q11. How to say Docter in French?
Ans. Docter is translated as “docteur”.

Q12. How to say Detective in French?
Ans. Detective is translated as “détective”.

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